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Branding Like A Boss

Writer's picture: Kyle PhillipKyle Phillip

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Your brand could very well be more important than your newborn baby girl. Well that may be a little extreme but you get what I mean. It represents you, your business, and everything in between. It doesn’t just pop up one day out of nowhere, it develops with as you provide new music and entertainment to your audience. You should really think how your brand appears when someone sees it for the first time; what initial emotion or vibe do you want to give off? You know what you represent and what you can provide, but can they get the idea quickly? This all starts with a simple yet catchy logo.

A logo is very important and should be done as soon as your brand is identifiable. At this point you more than likely have a track record and feel confident with the path you’ve chosen. You also are probably making money, or at least a little side cash. Think colors, think lifestyle, think about what the end goal is. You want it to have a nice symmetrical shape, limited writing, and easy to see when shrunken down in size. Usually drawing a rough sketch will be good enough to provide to an artist or graphic designer. I cannot draw by any means, well other than Dragon Ball Z characters, but a very talented artist nailed my logo for me; Mike Fogelberg Art. Supporting someone you know or that is at least local, is a great way to help build the arts and entertainment community in your location.

Now that you have your logo and identity, make

sure you update your social media pages with your new look. I am firm believer in keeping all your profile pics the same or similar on all platforms; color scheme, pictures, and font all equally matter. Not necessary at first, but having your own website is also a very good idea. This is your home base where you can direct all traffic to so people can get a better feel for who you are; showcase your songs, upcoming shows, new videos, merch, and other cool stuff. We use Wix, it has a very user-friendly editor, and they even have their own email marketing and CRM built in; definitely a good idea to start using both if you are not already. Get creative and keep things simple. Don’t always try to sell, make your site creative and engage-able for your audience; tell a story.

Even though we are very much so in a digital age, don’t overlook the merchandising aspect. Get some stickers made up, t-shirts, hats, etc… This is free advertising your family, friends, and fans can provide for you; let them show their friends and family. Word of mouth is always the best way to gain new fans within your community; don’t lose sight of the in-person interaction piece. A side not; utilize QR codes on some of your material as it can be a very effective way to direct people exactly where you want. We use QR Monkey, it is free and very customizable. Do all you can to make yourself known in the big sea of artists; get creative, be unique, become the shark!


I hope you enjoyed this blog post and found it helpful. If you want more information like this, check out my new EBook which goes into greater depth on all aspects of music business and marketing. Keep pushing and stay persistent! 👇 👇 👇


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